

At Zarzuela La Palma, we are committed to environmental sustainability. We strive to educate society responsibly and minimize our impact on the environment, ensuring a greener future for generations to come.

Sustainability Goals

Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint by 30% by 2030 and become a completely carbon neutral Festival by 2030. We are committed to using exclusively renewable energy and implementing sustainable practices.

Initiatives and Projects

Water Conservation
We have implemented water saving systems, such as using water fountains instead of using individual bottles, and that optimize the use of water, ensuring that every drop counts.

Renewable Energy
We try to use as much as possible transport elements based on energy that comes from renewable sources.

Water Management
We follow strict policies of waste reduction, reuse and recycling. We use recycled cardboard cups, and we manage them for their deposit in the enabled recycling containers.

Partnerships and Collaborations

We work in collaboration with the Department of Environment of the Cabildo de La Palma.

Education and Awareness

We offer announcements, workshops and educational programs on sustainability and the environment for our staff, spectators and the local community.

How You Can Contribute

We invite you to register and purchase tickets online, reduce the use of paper, plastics and participate in our training and recycling initiatives.


We encourage attendees to come to our festival by public transport, private buses or shared private transport, in order to commit together to the environment.

Propose your sustainable action

You can propose any sustainable action that you think can be implemented within the Festival through our social networks.


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